
For the moment we are unable to update our website with the current shows. Please bear with us while we try to sort out the issue.


We are pleased to bring you Podcasts of all the shows for Seasons 4 to 10 (the current season) here on our website. Seasons 1 to 3 can also be found on the Irish Radio International Mixcloud account using the following links: Seasons1 & 2Season 3.

We publish the Anchor/iTunes podcasts at 2pm on Saturdays each week. Our podcasts are also available on these platforms:

Anchor Apple Podcasts/iTunes Google Podcasts
Spotify Breaker Castbox
Google Play Music Overcast Pocket Casts
PodBean RadioPublic

19 Oct

This is programme 38 of season 10, published on 19th October 2024.

This week is our magazine-format podcast where we discuss general topics and talk around a Word of the Day.

In this week's episode Paul discussed the International President’s statement on Continuing the Toastmasters Legacy, the word of the week is LEGACY and Shirley introduces the celebrations in Cork for the centenary of Toastmasters.

Available Saturday 2pm

12 Oct

This is programme 41 of season 10, published on 12th Oct 2024

This week’s interview guest is Steve Campion, Programme Quality Director in District 71, and a member of Cornerstone Communicators, East Herts Speakers, Stevenage Speakers and Toastmasters in Travel .

Available Saturday 2pm

5 Oct

This is programme 38 of season 10, published on 5th October 2024.

This week is our magazine-format podcast where we discuss general topics and talk around a Word of the Day.

In this week's episode, Paul discusses a new book by Siobhan Keenan Fitzgerald - "Liten: How Child and Student Voice Can Change the World, the word of the week is FACILITATE and guest presenter Anthony Garvey discusses the online debate.

Available Saturday 2pm

28 Sep

This is programme 39 of season 10, published on 28th Sept 2024

This week’s interview guest is Michele Blumhagen, District 78 Director and a member of Centurion Toastmasters Club.

Available Saturday 2pm

21 Sep

This is programme 37 of season 10, published on 21st September 2024.

This week is our magazine-format podcast where we discuss general topics and talk around a Word of the Day.

In this week's episode, Paul reports from the International Convention, the Word of the Week is DEARTH. and James looks at Lessons from Leaders, from a book by Greg Bus.

Available Saturday 2pm