News About the Show

New Season & New Presenter

Welcome to Season 9 of the Talk Show for Talkers on Irish Talkers. After 8 years of a largely unchanged format we are developing into a new format of alternating episodes of a longer format but only one episode each week. The first week will be an interview, following the traditional format but extending into a wider conversation. The second week will consist of news about Toastmasters, a Word of the Week and a section on speechmaking. 

Episodes will be published on Saturdays at 2pm Irish Time. We look forward to seeing you there.

We are delighted to welcome James Finnegan as a presenter on the show.

Christmas 2022

Yes, I know, we have been off the air since August this year - as Harold Macmillan once said, "Events my boy, events" - Ted Mellamphy and Gearoid Murphy both left the show for pastures new and it was not possible in the short term to bring in new faces.

However, we are planning to come back early in 2023, so keep a look out here for new episodes to come. We are looking forward to a new look for the show and fresh blood.

Moira O'Brien (Producer & Editor)

Summer holidays

As we are now into the summer holidays there may be a couple of weeks with no new shows starting with next week (August 2nd). We will be back with our new season in early September with our usual regular shows.

Christmas 2018

Ted, Paul and myself would like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas/Holiday season, and the very best for the New Year 2019.

Summer Break 2020

We are taking a 2 week summer break to recoup our energies. We will be back in September with more great content. Moira, Ted & Paul